Schließt die Augen und stellt euch folgende Szenerie vor: Die mystische Schönheit einer dämmerhaften Wüste im Sonnenuntergang. Staubig-rosa Sanddünen treffen auf schimmernden Nebel aus goldenem Safran gepaart mit satten Cassistönen während die Sonne langsam hinten den Dünen untergeht. see more…
Autumn boots is what I fall for this fall! And there are so many to choose from this autumn season! When lately browsing through my favourite boutiques, I came across autumn boots in a variety I haven’t seen in a long time and especially the latest colour trends when it comes to autumn boots. see more…
Pink Blazer – a fashion trend that is almost inevitable when browsing latest fashion magazines and platforms. No matter which brand is your brand of choice one thing is certain – understatement and subtleness are no attributes that describe this new trend piece. And I have to admit see more…
The casual chic look is one of my all-time favorites. From my point of view, it fits to every occasion. Brunch with your favorite ladies, dinner date with your partner, business lunch – no matter the happening and location you can’t go wrong with this style. see more…
Slingback pumps are a timeless classic which is currently experiencing a revival in many different styles and many different ways to style them. There are two main variations of slingback pumps that are most common. One is having a fixed sling and the other see more…